14 March 2023

My Group Time Area

A small peek into my group time area in my Kindergarten classroom. I do most of my intentional teaching on this carpet. On my wall I have:

- a visual schedule. This facilitates the children's understandings of how their day unfolds at Kinder and gives them a routine to follow and predictability each day.

- a picture of 'Suzie'. Suzie is a cartoon character on the wall who models whole body listening for the children. Eyes on the teacher, legs crossed, hands in your lap, lips together. 

- a daily calendar. This develops early concepts of time such as the days of the week, months and seasons.

- a list of teacher's helpers. This is a rotating list so that everyone gets a turn at taking responsibility.

Pedagogy behind group time - group time is a space for children to collaborate, share ideas and learn as a group. Therefore, ideally I have always wanted to convert group times into 'circle time' as I feel that the children should not be looking towards the teacher as the only source of information. I believe we are all equal as we learn together and so a circle format facilities equality and sharing of information with each other. This was really hard to do in my Kindergarten classroom simply due to logistics. I had 33 children and no clear space for such a big circle!


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