29 May 2015

Shape Collage

This was a fun project I did with my Grade 1 students last month. I wanted to get them to practice their fine motor skills and my personal agenda was to use up all the painted paper scraps as I would hate to see all those beautiful markmaking techniques go to waste. 

- painted paper
- glue
- scissors
- A3 black cardstock

Duration: 1 lesson of 80 minutes

1. First, we looked at the works of Paul Klee and discussed his use of shape. We brainstormed all the shapes we could think of and I showed students a finished example of the project so that get an idea of what is expected of them. We then identified which shapes they could find in my example.
The example I showed to students
2. I did a quick demonstration to show students how to cut and arrange all their shapes on paper and then glue them down properly. Have a look at some of the work in progress:
The results were fantastic!
Love the 3D effect on this one!

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